Saturday, August 16, 2008


They said the abbrivation of both meaning MBA and PhD having different sense according to every folks point of view. Let's we think to this way :

Master Business of Admin...Vs Philosophy of Doctor or Whatever but....
MBA = Marry By Accident (Not Marry But available) Vs PhD = Prepare Having Divorce
Justify these meaning dude! Think carefully before start to get marry.

Thursday, August 14, 2008


Check this out

Olympic Medal winners at NBC!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

One way they took the transportation!

Captured during driving back home when seeming lots of guys took one pick up in front of mine showed some interring spectacular to justify what was going on earth for every people life being threaten. You guys have to see what would be the dangerous moment if that guy sits on the motorbike somehow lack of being careful. What if anytime unpredictable happen….can you imagine 1 second!

Spare life with simply easy and comfort !

Monday, August 11, 2008

Time to play games !

Sometime when you are on stress at work or whatever, you may need to get some pleasure time for having fun, hang out or snacks aournd with buddies or making some new game entertainment. Sunday 10 August 2008, we are 3B together with few friends accompanied has followed some of the playing games...IT'S FUN....

See..! I'm not walking style as model fashion but play this game. Look at one bowl has remained. Session 1 => I am the winner!
B1 missed some bowl

Look at B2 and I were sitting and wait till our turn...

It's show time for the pratical a tournament golf among our 3B!

He was good at standing position and ready to kick off

Well done and bravo to B1! You made a good job..

Haha...I'm ready now

Sunday, August 03, 2008

Mobile which was lost !!!

Feeling sad for the lost of my second personal phone contact since it was already been a perfect use for me so far.
1. White O2 Xda xphone IIm lost since I had attended the workshop at Le Royal Hotel "During coffee break, I was going to the bathroom washed my hand and I left the phone nearby, forgetably leave it alone about 5 minutes since I arrive back, someone already been taken. A minutes just left and come back, none of the signal alert while I made a call. 2. my personal phone used Sony Ericsson k850i which one I really like it and was useful to make a snap shot in capturing good position photo within 5.0 megapicxel. It was yesterday be at the Sihanouk Ville. Around 9.30 pm went down to get a meal at restau "forgot the name" but this premises is located in front of the Golden Sand Hotel. After the bill, even I did not know myself that I left my phone again on the table, immediately to rush back but no one know where it was.. you know I am so sure one of this waiters has taken it. But no one commit! Of course they never ever commit just they are a thief.
I have none of an idea why some kind of people in this planet having no brand to think or they were just pretended to be a thief took what things that was not belong to themself. Some of them considered as an uneducated people who never understand and ever! They will not ever give themself a value for being