Sunday, August 03, 2008

Mobile which was lost !!!

Feeling sad for the lost of my second personal phone contact since it was already been a perfect use for me so far.
1. White O2 Xda xphone IIm lost since I had attended the workshop at Le Royal Hotel "During coffee break, I was going to the bathroom washed my hand and I left the phone nearby, forgetably leave it alone about 5 minutes since I arrive back, someone already been taken. A minutes just left and come back, none of the signal alert while I made a call. 2. my personal phone used Sony Ericsson k850i which one I really like it and was useful to make a snap shot in capturing good position photo within 5.0 megapicxel. It was yesterday be at the Sihanouk Ville. Around 9.30 pm went down to get a meal at restau "forgot the name" but this premises is located in front of the Golden Sand Hotel. After the bill, even I did not know myself that I left my phone again on the table, immediately to rush back but no one know where it was.. you know I am so sure one of this waiters has taken it. But no one commit! Of course they never ever commit just they are a thief.
I have none of an idea why some kind of people in this planet having no brand to think or they were just pretended to be a thief took what things that was not belong to themself. Some of them considered as an uneducated people who never understand and ever! They will not ever give themself a value for being

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