Tuesday, September 09, 2008

The arrival of BGang B3

It completely few days stress came up with new assignment to do. OH MY!!!! Why times running so fast as it seem be given myself some kind of plenty of work to do at the same time as it familiar to putting under pressure that I do not have enough chassing time going through my own post. Where the hell of my time management? - [BGang B3] - Even having no time to write on it but chasing time to read friends' blogs (BGang B1, BGang B2 and Lady map). You guys have updated almost everyday. Do not worries as I will follow up all you guys blogs whether you having contains some critical point of view relevant raised. ";" also still remembered las few weekend hanged out in playing games. Ref: some of the pictures have already been displayed via my dude BGang B2 and Panharath.....so cool...!
Btw, you know buddies, I just want to write in Khmer text rather than an English as I still found myself in comprising mistakes with grammatical english somehow. But I didn't know how to write in Khmer Unicode as BGang B1 told me to visit via his blog's commments which are contained few posts of Khmer Unicode. they said Limon Style FK1 and FK2 was such an old version and I still can use this how to write even my working place. Tell you dude, I totally understand a bit meaning of your Khmer post as it is not so comfortable to read its texts due to some part of it are mixed or missed place. I did install the Khmer Unicode version 2.0 but I am wondering if it shall have other alternatives to install better of Khmer Unicode so that I can use and read properly!!!!

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